FEAR Bear story

Would you like your FEAR Bear story to be published?

With your help, we would like to create a book, full of mini stories, for children (and adults) living on artificial/alternative nutrition, or receiving long term IV treatments...

FEAR are putting together a book of mini stories about FEAR Bear’s adventures, but we need your help!

We would like you to write a short story (max 500 words) about FEAR Bear on an adventure. It could be about a Holiday, a bicycle ride, swimming with dolphins, or a trip to the hospital. Maybe you take FEAR bear somewhere magical? … the choice is completely yours!! The ONLY rule is…. FEAR Bear must be the main character.

We’d like you to have fun writing your story and to be as creative as you can. If you’re unable to write, please don’t let that stop you from getting involved!!… You can ask a parent, or a friend, to write the story while you tell them. You can drop your story in pictures with little sentences underneath… it is completely up to you how you present your story. If you’d like to add photos of your FEAR bear, then you can do that too!

All the stories must: Be 500 words or less, Be written by an individual (not a group) and Be our own original story.

Once you’ve written your story please send it to: kim@faceeverything.co.uk OR, if you’d like to post your story to me, please send me an email and I will reply with the postal address.

When you submit your story, please include: Your name, age, a little bit about yourself (if you’d like this to be included), your email address, postal address plus your story and any pictures you’ve drawn to go alongside your story.

The closing date is 31st May 2024

(There are NO age limits - All ages welcome to submit a story)

What will happen to my story?

Once you’ve submitted your story, we will then collate as many stories as we can to make one BIG book, full of adventure. The book will be printed and distributed to Children’s wards across the Country. There will also be opportunity for you to buy the book.

ALL stories will be added to our website, and will be free to download.

If you need a little help to get you started, here are a few story plans you could use to plan your story (plus FEAR Bear outlines if you’d like to add pictures)…